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FanMade information
How can I use FanMade Coupon Code?

For guests who want to apply Coupon Code for savings at FanMade. You only need to click "Get Code" on the coupon page, and you can get the coupon code automatically copied. Then you can add your desired styles to your shopping bag. Proceed to the checkout page and find the option to apply your code.

Does FanMade give a first-time offer?

Yes. Visitors who have never shopped at FanMade will enjoy an email attached with a first-order code. Use the coupon code to your 1st order, and you can take surprisingly savings.

Why I can't receive discounts after applying FanMade promo codes?

Sometimes there're no discounts after using promo codes at FanMade. Please check if your wanting items are eligible for the code you redeemed. Also, the validity date of the discount code should be paid attention to, as it may be expired.