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Taza Chocolate information
Does Taza Chocolate give special offers to first-time guests?

Yes. If you have neverplaced orders at Taza Chocolate, congratulations that you can receive extra offer on the first Taza Chocolate orders. What you need to do is signing up with email. The welcome code is single-used and can only be applied in the first order.

Can I send Taza Chocolate discount codes to family and friends?

Yes. There's no limit on how many friends you can tell about Taza Chocolate discount codes. If you discover a great code, just send it to your friends. Both of you can get the chance to receive 20% OFF at Taza Chocolate. View GoCashBack to discover more working promotions.

Do I need an account of Taza Chocolate to apply a promo code?

Yes. To get all free discount codes applied to your orders, an account is required. register at Taza Chocolate, and you will a first-order discount to be redeemed in your first order. What's more, an existing account can bring you early information about the promotions released by Taza Chocolate.