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hibu information
Does hibu give special discounts to new shoppers?

Yes. There're first order discounts at hibu. New customers can sign up with an email to get the welcome coupon. Then redeem the coupon to the first hibu purchase. Thus you can get surprising discounts at hibu.

Can I share hibu coupons with my family and friends?

Yes. Almost all hibu coupons are shareable. People you shared with can also apply the coupon for discounts at hibu. However, only one coupon can be used per purchase.

Why I can't get discounts after applying hibu discount codes?

If you entered the promo code when checking out at hibu and it didn't show any discount. It's necessary for you to check the code, and confirm that there're no extra spaces or characters inputted in the redemption box. Also, the items you're going to buy need to be qualified for the code, so you need to check the terms and conditions, where special requirements will be noted.